One of my online has asked me, "What should we have to explain about monetary policy in MBA?"
As student of MBA, you should explain monetary policy concept with its deep explanation. Just explaining its meaning is not sufficient answer. You have to explain recent changes in monetary policy of your country. Suppose, I am living in India and examiner expects me that I have knowledge of Repo and reverse repo rates and these days, how is RBI using this in monetary policy. You should also explains the different techniques of monetary policy. If you do not know, you can read at here.
As student of MBA, you should explain monetary policy concept with its deep explanation. Just explaining its meaning is not sufficient answer. You have to explain recent changes in monetary policy of your country. Suppose, I am living in India and examiner expects me that I have knowledge of Repo and reverse repo rates and these days, how is RBI using this in monetary policy. You should also explains the different techniques of monetary policy. If you do not know, you can read at here.